In This Issue -
Experience Ecuador through the eyes of two of our previous travelers. - Learn fun facts about visiting Ecuador!
Stay TunedThe next e-Newsletter will feature Kenya. Click here for more information on our upcoming Kenya trip this September!
Serve in Ecuador!You can make a difference in people's lives! Our next trip to Ecuador is August 7-15, 2010 (click here to learn more).
Custom TripsDo you have a group of people - church friends or your family - who would like to travel and serve together? All our destinations can be customized (dates and itineraries) just for your group. Call 1-800-747-2157 for more information.
Serve in Costa RicaOur Costa Rica group travels July 18-26 and there are only 4 spots left! Call 1-800-747-2157 to sign up. Click here for more info.
Icing on the Cake in Ecuador
By Jody Waldrop
My Lifetree Adventures trip to Ecuador was an experience never to be forgotten. It was a beautiful way of serving the Lord by visiting the homes of the people and providing the missionaries with help as they needed it. In this way, I had to be dependent upon what the Lord would give me to do and not what I could produce in my own efforts. It was a great mix of Ecuadorian history, having fun and being challenged (the zip line!), and serving people. My heart in going on this Lifetree Adventure was to serve the kids and the families and that was incredible for me. The "other items" were icing on the cake! This Lifetree Adventures experience is one of the best ways to "get your foot in the door" to missions. You really can make a difference in a week with those you work with and live the rest of your life differently because of the one week of service.
My First Mission Trip Ever
by Brook Hickle
This trip opened my eyes in many ways to needs that I did not know existed. It is completely different to hear on the news what is going on in our world versus seeing it firsthand. - Brook Hickle
When I stepped off the airplane in Quito, Ecuador on my Lifetree Adventures trip, I felt a rush of emotion. This would be my first mission trip ever! I had heard many stories from friends who had served on mission trips but nothing could have prepared me for the life-changing events that would take place over the next nine days.
As our Lifetree Adventures trip began, 15 strangers from around the U.S. and Canada quickly bonded as the "adventure" portion of our trip unfolded - visiting the Mitad del Mundo (the equator), touring historic Quito, zip-lining through the rainforest, and riding by horseback in the Andes Mountains. I so clearly remember riding on the tour bus and listening to the conversations of the people in my group. These were people who were complete strangers just days before but were quickly experiencing an amazing adventure together and sharing their lives with one another. I felt as if God was preparing us as a team for our service work ahead. Hebrews 10:24 came to mind over and over: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds."
Our service work began on day four of the trip at the daycare in the Quito City Dump. We made food baskets for 14 families who are employed at the dump and then delivered them to their homes and listened to their stories. We also cleaned the daycare and did light repairs on the facility, made and served dinner one evening to all the dump employees, and cared for the children in the daycare while their parents worked at the dump site. I was touched by so many things: the thankfulness of the Ecuadorian people as they received the food baskets (one woman we visited had not eaten in four days), the appreciation for a warm meal shown by the dump workers as we served them dinner, and the little voices, laughter, and hugs we all experienced while working with the wonderful children in the daycare. I will never forget these things!
The Lifetree Adventures trip taken by our group was an inspiration to each of us to become more servant-like in our lives, whether in our own homes, our neighborhoods, or in far-away places. For me personally, it was a realization that we must never underestimate the power of giving. Whether it is showing kindness and love, sharing a smile or laughter, or giving time or money, what we give makes such an impact on those we are serving. Something that feels so small to the "giver" can change the life of another! I have never experienced a trip as fun and meaningful as my trip to Ecuador with Lifetree Adventures!