Jan 14, 2010

Register today for ASTA IDE Istanbul, Turkey April 19-22, 2010

ASTA Rates Increase March 1st, Register NOW and Save!

Attending this year's International Destination Expo will provide you with a unique opportunity to learn about the fascinating destination of Turkey. Featuring education that focuses on training you to become an expert and networking with local companies, IDE equips you with the skills to exceed your clients' expectations!

Gain certifications of your expertise in exciting new sessions such as ASTA's newest destination specialist course: Turkey, the Cradle of Civilization: a Walk through 10,000 Years of History.

IDE will also host a panel discussion, Discover How to Build a Thriving Faith-based Travel Program Centered on the World's Top Religious Sites in the Middle East and the Holy Land, featuring leading tourism representatives from Middle Eastern destinations. Don't miss this exciting event!

Discover How to Build a Thriving Faith-based Travel Program Centered on the World’s Top Religious Sites in the Middle East and Holy Land

Moderator: Kevin J. Wright, President - World Religious Travel Association
Panelists will include leading tourism representatives from Middle Eastern Destinations

Join Kevin J. Wright, president of the World Religious Travel Association (WRTA), and leading tourism representatives from the Middle East, for an unforgettable and unprecedented discussion on the world’s top religious and holy sites in this extraordinary part of the world. Furthermore, discover firsthand how to develop a thriving and diverse faith-based travel program centered on the great religious itineraries stretching across these ancient and biblically-rich lands such as Turkey, Armenia, Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Palestine, and much more.
Not only will you be inspired and fascinated by the discussions, but just as importantly, you’ll return home equipped with the much-needed knowledge and strategies to immediately impact your faith-based travel program ... no matter whether you are new to religious tourism or a long-term expert. Best of all, this remarkable discussion and seminar will be held in Istanbul (Turkey) ... not only the very crossroads and place where “East Meets West,” but also where the history of faith and religion spans the millenniums.

Register NOW to receive 4 nights complimentary hotel stay* in Istanbul -- hurry, space is limited!

*Space is limited. Offer is first-come, first-served while supplies last.