They are the most sophisticated forms of rail transport in the world. Eurostar, French TGV, TGV Lyria, ICE, Thalys are redefining the European rail travel experience with their cutting edge style, comfort, speed and design.
What better way to travel between countries and cities than in the comfort zone of the Eurostar or French TGV as the ever-changing European landscape flits passed your window; it is an incredible experience in itself and a memorable part of anyone's journey.
High speed rail is the most obvious choice for travel in Europe. For journeys within 4 hours length, European trains have the market share of over 70%.
You can sit back in style with a glass of wine and enticing meal and enjoy the scenery as you head to some of Europe's most exciting destinations from the French to the Italian Riviera, Venice, Switzerland, and the UK; as well as other exciting destinations through central, eastern and Northern Europe.
These trains are streamlined, extremely comfortable, safe and fast; they can get you across all corners of Europe in style and at incredible speeds.
WiFi technology is fast becoming standard across Europe's High Speed Rail Network so it is definitely transport designed for 21st century travel; you can key into your lap top, answer emails and send messages, you are never out of touch.
Travelers are taking to the sophisticated, high speed trains of Europe with a vengeance. Rail Europe has chalked up $40 million in sales from this market in 2007 alone 22 per cent of its total annual worldwide turnover.
Rail has always been popular and seen as good value for money but in recent years we have seen phenomenal year on year growth, especially travelers who seek travel solutions that are safe, efficient, comfortable and increasingly carbon neutral.
High Speed Rail (HSR) has grown at a lightening pace in recent years and shows no signs of stopping. 2007 was a ground-breaking year with Eurostar launching HSR all the way from London to Paris, TGV launching 300km of new HSR tracks linking up longest land tunnel the Lotschberg Tunnel drastically reducing travel times between Italy and Switzerland.
In 2008 high speed rail between Madrid and Barcelona opened in March - with a lot more high speed rail developments expected later this year and into 2009.
The choice of rail passes available is also extensive and growing every year. Apart from the popular Eurail Global Pass which can encompass up to 18 different countries, there are the Britrail passes, France Rail Pass, Swiss Pass, Austria Czech Republic Pass, Greece-Italy Pass, Austria-Croatia/Slovenia Pass, European East Pass and Balkan Flexipass a choice of over 40 regional, national and multi-national passes in all. With our sleek trains and huge choice of passes, all of Europe is at traveler's fingertips.
Fred Spagnuolo Rail Europe, Inc. Manager Group Rail 914-681-3246
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