Jun 5, 2008

Christian travelers put faith into action while exploring the world

Christian travelers put faith into action while exploring the world with
Lifetree Adventures—the new travel option that’s part vacation and part Christian service.

LOVELAND, CO., MAY 22, 2008 – Voluntourism, the growing trend of travelers seeking vacation options combining tourism with volunteer service, just got a spiritual shot in the arm. Lifetree Adventures, a Christian tour operator based in Loveland, Colorado, recently launched tours to meet the growing demand for Christian travel, and is the first of its kind to offer VolunTourism specifically from a Christian approach.

“Every Lifetree Adventure has two key components: adventure activities and Christian service projects—packaged into one amazing trip,” remarked Joel Fay, Lifetree President, “so you might find yourself exhilarated by thrilling zip-lines in the jungles of Costa Rica, and then take that passion and apply it to fixing dilapidated housing for young children and their families.”

With tours operating in the fall of 2008, participants can discover the excitement of exotic destinations while serving the needs of indigenous people through eight trips to four Latin American countries: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru. In 2009, Lifetree Adventures will offer 30 trips in 12 countries as well as the US. For more information and to reserve a trip travel agents and travelers can go to http://www.lifetreeadventures.com/ or call 1-800-747-2157 Monday through Friday MST.

Lifetree Adventures is a new division of Group Workcamps Foundation, a leading non-profit mission organization offering Christian service trips for youth and adults for over 30 years. Through Group Workcamps, over 250,000 volunteers have provided more than 7 million hours of volunteer service to projects in hundreds of U.S. and international locations.
